Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Yesterday I spent 8 hours in the Memorial Hospital ER. My right arm went numb while I was at work. My boss had me call my doctor, who I knew would say to go the the ER. We got there around 2:45 pm. They ran a battery of tests. CT Scan, blood work, EKG. Everything came back normal. I loved the ER doctor. Dr. Walsh is so down to earth and straight forward. He pulled up all the side effects of the Chandix, which I am taking to quit smoking. No big warnings about strokes or numbness. He let me go home around 10:30 pm. He scheduled me for an ultrasound this morning for blockages in my corotid artery and said I need to get an MRI. I called Dr. Hall to schedule the MRI. His nurse called me back and said that before he scheduled the MRI, he wants to see me tomorrow at 4:15 pm. I wonder if he knows something, either from the blood work, or the ultrasound from this morning?

I will keep you updated.