Monday, October 6, 2008

Play time

Not a weekend goes by that my granddaughter doesn't call to see what I am doing and if I can come to her house and play.
She called on Saturday to inform me that she and her brother got 2 real bunny rabbits. Her bunnie's name is Tinker Bell, and JT's bunny is named (we could guess) Wall-E. Of course she wanted us to come over and see the new additions to the family.
When we got there they were bubbling over with excitement. They took my hand and lead me to the garage. In the cage was 2 adorable bunnies. I notice a few scratchs on both Mercy & JT.
It was then time to go to Mercy's room to play school. She is the teacher every time. When JT painted her room he painted a small square of chalkbroad and framed it on her wall. She is a very bossy teacher. I got in trouble for laughing in her class and Little JT got in trouble for kissing me in her class. She would stomp her foot and yell "NO LAUGHING OR KISSING IN MY CLASS. Grandma Great only got in trouble if I made her laugh. I wish I had a video camera with me. It was priceless.