Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Farewell to 2009!!

The year of 2009. I for one will be happy to kiss this year good bye. It was a year of turmoil and testing of my strength. It started out the very 1st day of the year when my mom became ill on 1/1/09. In the hospital for 8 days and almost losing her. Louie is laid off from his job 2 weeks into the new year. Then 2 months later he becomes so ill with his liver that the doctor's have no idea what was wrong. They say it was some rare virus. He has recovered but it was very scary.
The economy took the worst hit since the Great Depression. In my job of staffing, it was very depressing to interview people who have never been unemployed in their life and now they so desperate for work that they sit at my desk and cry.
The whole year has been more trials of my character. One thing that it has taught me was that I need to face things head on and battle for my family and our survival. I can say I am not the same person I was a year ago. I am stronger. I look forward to a new year and the joys it will bring me. I pray for peace and prosperity for all.